Our HCP Programmes

Being patient-centric means listening to patients and anticipating their needs, which are often left unsaid. As part of the healthcare ecosystem, it is important for us to empathise with patients’ psychological and emotional needs — it goes a long way towards helping them manage their condition, heal and lead healthy lives.

The Dr. Reddy’s Foundation for Health and Education provides a number of soft skills programmes for healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists and support staff to sensitise them to patients’ needs. This translates into a better patient experience and ultimately, to better outcomes for patients.

Communication is the cornerstone of modern medicine where understanding and context- driven consultations lead the way towards improved patient experiences. It builds relationships, which, in turn, breed trust and foster a sense of security among patients. The programme for doctors develops their communication skills as well as a sense of delivering compassionate care to patients. It covers interpersonal skills, empathy, the importance of listening and the art of breaking bad news.

Nurses witness the anxiety and fear patients feel when undergoing treatment first-hand. This puts them under a lot of emotional stress. A trained empathetic nurse is key to providing quality healthcare. Since 2006, the soft skills training programme for nurses has helped them develop skills for effective patient management and enhanced service delivery. Apart from interpersonal skills and empathetic communication, it also covers counselling skills, time management, stress management and rapport building.

Additionally, there’s the Nursing Head Training Programme, which was started in 2012 to train nursing heads into effective leaders. They create conducive environments for their teams to improve based on the soft skills training they undertake. This leadership training focuses on people management, observation skills, motivation, team management and delegation. In some cases, it also offers behaviour and performance tracking capabilities for before-after comparisons.

Pharmacist play a major role in patient care, given that patients often turn to them for advice on minor ailments or to understand their prescriptions. As such, pharmacists are in key positions to educate patients and offer lifestyle advice. The soft skills programme for pharmacists was instituted in 2009 to enable pharmacists to improve healthcare delivery. It builds confidence and empathy in participants and focuses on upskilling them in prescription dispensing and communication.

Our etiquette training for support staff including ward boys, sweepers, security staff and ayahs, instils service orientation and social etiquette in them. Though they aren’t directly involved in healthcare delivery, they do play an important role in creating a positive experience for the patient.

Similarly, the soft skills programme for physicians’ assistants and front office staff equips them with the necessary behavioural tools to make the patient’s experience a positive one. These staff are critical stakeholders in the healthcare delivery chain. They deal with patients and caregivers on a daily basis, often as the first point of contact, which makes their training essential.

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